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Ayodya Manpower and Human Resources Partner In Sri Lanka

No : 508 1/2, Kandy Road, Mahara, Kadawatha
Tel: +9411-4875579/0773369488/0713446561 | Fax: +9411-2927198
E-mail: info@ayodyamanpower.com
Hot line : 0770111868

Ayodya Manpower and Human Resources Partner In Sri Lanka

Placement / Hot job


Post your job order [Fill the form below ]

We assure that we will provide the exact resource needed for the profile for better efficiency. Our contingent and permanent staffing solutions help you succeed by matching the right people with the right mix of skills and experience to your business.

* Fields are mandatory

Your Name*
Company Name *
Postal Address
Your Requirement *
*conditions apply

Manpower supply = Recruitment + Selection + Placement